In Literature
J.R.R. Tolkien was mostly inspired by Icelandic culture when writing The Lord of The Rings. He had a nanny from the Fjords when he was a child and through her tales he was acquainted with Norse folklore and the pervasion of Norse folklore is seen throughout the series. The existence of dwarves and elves as well as the usage of rings and swords as McGuffins in the story is analogous to Norse mythology tales. Gandalf has also been compared to Odin on several occasions as both share similar features. Author Lester del Rey told the tale of Ragnarök in a modern setting where the Æsir Gods were shown boasting modern weaponry in his 1959 book "The Day of the Giants". More prominently Odin, Thor,Freya and Loki were among the central characters of the book. Brothers Grimm were among the first authors who wrote tales influenced by Norse and Germanic folklore. Their most famous work wherein traces of Norse mythology can be spotted is Snow White. The seven dwarves in the story seem to be influenced by Tomte Nisse or the Yule Lads in Norse folklore.

In TV Shows
Vikings is a 2013 TV Show created by Michael Hirst. It tells the tale of the legendary viking Ragnar Lothbrok and his quest to sail west to discover uncharted lands. Being set in 12th century Sweden, Vikings carries an immense amount of Norse folklore with it. The main character aspires to be like Odin and possesses a similar thirst for knowledge, as indicated by his desire to sail west. He is also seen losing an eye and hanging himself from the branches of a tree, all characteristics and deeds belonging to The Allfather. The character of The Seer in the show has an innate affinity to magic and uses a similar method of magical foresight akin to that of Frigg's. The Æsir gods are shown in obfuscated visions, though never in the flesh. The Viking tribes are also shown conducting Viking rituals such as a sacrificial festival where humans are sacrificed alongside various animals and a very special method of execution called the Blood Eagle where the victim's back is sliced open, his ribcage is broken apart and his lungs are spread open on his back, made to resemble the wings of an eagle. The show portrays the Norse folklore and lifestyle quite in-depth and accurately. There are various other TV Shows in modern era that take inspiration from Norse myths and folklore. One example from recent time is the hit TV Show American Gods. The show was created by Bryan Fuller and started airing in 2017. It tells the story of gods from religions and mythologies from all over the world trying to adapt to the New Age and facing a new threat. The central characters are named Shadow and Mr Wednesday who are in reality Balder and Odin.

In Music
Norse Myths and folklore has made its way into various music genres, most prominently Scandinavian folk music and folk metal. Here are some example bands/artists: - Wardruna is a Norwegian band founded by Einar Selvik and is one of the chief representatives of Scandinavian folk music in recent time. They utilize traditional instruments such as drums made of deer-hide, goat horns and flutes among many more. The band's entire discography revolves around Norse mythology and its important tales. They have substantial tracks such as Tyr, Helvegen and Völuspa that truly capture the spirit of Norse folklore. Their four albums' themes are Ragnarök, Ygdrassil and the Gods of Norse Mythology as well as the adages of Odin. - Folk metal and heavy metal are two metal sub-genres that heavily draw from Norse myths and folklore. Manowar is one such band that puts Norse mythology in the forefront of their themes. Their tracks feature lyrics that depict themes such as Viking warriors, Valkyries who carry the dead to Odin's Hall in Valhalla, etc. Their most noteworthy Norse myth inspirations include tracks like "Gods of War", "Valhalla" and "Sons of Odin" and more recently the track "Sleipnir" which is the name of Odin's steed.